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UnTapped Genius Services

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Genius Instructional Coaching

Through on-the-spot coaching and mentoring, our team is committed to empowering educators and fostering student achievement. We not only provide expert guidance but also serve as thought partners and catalysts for change, helping you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education with confidence. Our coaching model meets your specific needs while building the capacity and Genius of all those we partner with.

Including but not limited to: On-the-spot coaching, lesson modeling, observation and feedback, HQIM internalization and implementation, STAAR alignment, lesson and assessment planning, data analysis, and resource creation to streamline instruction, and provide clear and strategic frameworks.

Genius Personalized
Professional Development

Through immersive workshops, collaborative meetings, and hands-on activities, our consultants equip educators to excel in their practice and leadership roles. Our learning approach encourages participants to reflect on their teaching practices, challenge assumptions, and embrace a growth mindset. We provide a unique and tailored learning experience, ensuring teachers receive the support and resources they need to make a lasting impact on student achievement.

This includes but is not limited to, Data-Driven Instruction 101 and the data analysis toolbox, implementing and supporting Criteria For Success, implementing and supporting Extended Constructed Response, providing curriculum-specific guidance, planning lessons with backward design, and a new teacher institute on how to ensure preparation and success for the beginning of the school year.

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Genius Leadership Development

Discover the path to extraordinary educational leadership with our transformative coaching services. Through personalized sessions aimed to guide aspiring and seasoned educational leaders alike, our expert coaches will empower you to cultivate essential skills, foster collaboration, and navigate challenges. Become an inspiring visionary leader, shaping a brighter future for education.

Including but not limited to: Genius Goals creation and plan for implementation, Coach the Coaches model to support PLCs and role-specific expectations, school systems and operations optimization, edtech selection and implementation, and teacher evaluation support.

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